Intresset för maskinöversättningar ökar, på gott och ont. Naturligtvis finns det en poäng i en maskinöversättning i så mån att man kan få en god bild av vad texten handlar om, och om den är värd att översätta (liksom av automatiska textsammanfattningar).
Men att förlita sig på maskinöversättningar, Google Translate, Babelfish o.dyl. kan minst lika ofta leda till att budskapet går vilse i en text som ingen förstår. Så när man ska välja översättningsmetod måste man nog ändå fundera över vad man egentligen vill med texten, att som i exemplet nedan välja den enkla vägen för en säkerhetsinstruktion kan nog ge oanade konsekvenser....
The explain:
* Inside contain small spare parts, and please not to put the entrance inside, and the in order to prevevntresult in the asphyxiation.
* For avoid dangerous, the absoluteness can't give not the full and 3 years old child swim t...o play.
* Please not in the road to wait the dangerous place to swim to play.
* Please not the antenna to hang on the neck, the in order to prevent result in the asphyxiation.
* Falsely be to using antennaing may result in dangerous, the absoluteness can't give not the full and 3 years old child swim to play.
* Because of the design on the function, can have the sharp place, and please in usage hour attention.
* Unless normal usage, refresh battery in the car may result in damaged, become angry, leak the liquid. Please notice the following items specially:
* Short Circuit the hour can produce the big electric current, and at this time please keep off the vehicle.
* Please proceeds agains in the ceasing empress to refresh, right already the car that conduct electricity proceeds agains to refresh, and will danger is take placed.
* When arrives the water, please not usage, then avoid the occurance the danger.
* Please not to put into the water inside or fire. Please not from the decomposition or stick the plastic cloth, decals.
* Please not the fire's neighbourhood, heat, that place the spirit swim to play or take care of.
* While refreshing invite the charger of appropriation usage.
* Unless the normal usage, battery in the remote control may result in damaged, become angry, leak the liquid.
-Please notice the following items specially:
--The remote control inside please nots the usage to refresh the battery.
--Please not not new, the old battery use, please not at the same time to use at the same time the battery of different field.
--Please battery of positive, the anode pack right of position.
--Please in swim to play the empress to take out the battery.
--Flow into the eye in case of the battery liquid, and please flush with the large quantity clear water immediately, and cure. If the arrive the skin or clothes, Please flush with the large quantity clear water immediately.
* Please not to close to the hair, finger, clothes to run about the inside's vehicle, in order to prevent quilt involvement.
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